Sunday, 16 September 2012

Mind rubrics in kent repertory with Hindi Explanation

3. ABRUPT, rough अचानक, रूखा - यह आदमी अचानक ही कुछ बोल पड़ता है ।
4. ABSENT MINDEDजिसका मन ध्यान वहाँ नहीं है जहाँ होना चाहिए । शरीर उपस्थित पर मन अनुपस्थित ।
5. ABSORBEDअपने विचारों में डूबा हुआ / खोया हुआ ।
6. ABSORBED, alternating with frivolity कभी गंभीरता से विचार मग्न और कभी फूहड़ ।
7. ABSORBED , as to what would become of him गहरी सोच में डूबा हुआ है मानो सोच रहा हो कि उसका क्या होने वाला है । अपने भविष्य के प्रति शंकित रहता है ।
8. ABSTRACTION of mindकिसी विषय पर गहराई से सोचते समय मन किसी दूसरे विषय पर सोचने लगता है ।
9. ABUSIVEगाली देना , अनुचित व्यवहार करने वाला ।
10. ACTIVITY desires, fruitlessबिना किसी उद्देश्य के कुछ करते रहना ।
11. ADMONITION aggडाँटने / समझाने का उल्टा प्रभाव पड़ना , उपदेश से /सलाह से बिगड़ना ।
12. AFFECTATIONप्रभाव बनाने के लिए बढा चढा कर पेश करना । अपनी योग्यता पदवी , सामाजिक / राजनीतिक /आर्थिक स्थिति का झूठा दिखावा करना ।
13. AFFECTIONATEबहुत प्यारा , स्नेह से भरपूर । ऐसा व्यक्ति जो अपने व्यवहार और स्नेह से हर किसी का चहेता बन जाता है और दूसरे बरबस ही उसकी तरफ आकर्षित हो जाते हैं ।
14. AMUSEMENT ,averse toमन लुभाने वाले खेल या काम में रूचि नहीं । मनोरंजन का साधन अच्छा नहीं लगता ।
15. AMUSEMENT, desire forकिसी भी तरह के मनोरंजन की इच्छा रखना ।
16. ANGER, absent persons while thinking of them, atअनुपस्थित व्यक्ति पर गुस्सा ।
17. ANGER , interruption fromरूकावट से,कार्य बाधित होने से गुस्सा ।
18. ANGER, touched whenमानसिक /शारीरिक स्पर्श से , छूने से गुस्सा । किसी के व्यवहार से मन को ठेंस पहुँचना ।
19. ANGER object are not in their proper placeचीजें जहाँ उनका स्थान है वहाँ नहीं रहने पर गुस्सा होना ।
20. ANGER refused ; when things he wants areजिन चीजों की उसे जरूरत है उसे मना करने पर गुस्सा होना ।
21. ANGER spoken to whenबात करते समय गुस्सा हो जाना ।
22. ANSWERING,monosyllables,inएक दो शब्दों में उत्तर देना ।
23. ANSWERING , repeats the question firstजवाब देने से पहले वह प्रश्न को स्वयं दोहराता है ।
24. ANXIETYकिसी अनिश्चित भय से चिंता , व्याकुलता , क्या होगा ? कैसे होगा ?
25. ANXIETY alternating with indifferenceकभी बहुत चिंता और कभी कोई मतलव ही नहीं ।
26. ANXIETY business aboutअपने काम काज की चिंता ।
27. ANXIETY children about hisअपने बच्चों की चिंता ।
28. ANXIETY expected of him , when anything is जब किसी चीज के लिए उससे लोगों ने उम्मीदें लगा रखी हैं तो पता नहीं वह पूरा कर पाएगा या नहीं , इसलिए वह चिंतित रहता है।
29. ANXIETY others forदूसरों की चिंता करना ।
30. ANXIETY , pains ,from theदर्द के कारण चिंतित होना ।
31. AVARICEअपनी वस्तु दूसरों को नहीं दे पाना परंतु दूसरों से पाने की आशा करना ।
32. ASKING for nothingकुछ नहीं माँगता है ।
33. AGORAPHOBIAभीडसेडर
34. AIR CASTLESहवाईकिलेबनाना
35. AMBITION LOSS OF महत्वकाक्षांकीकमी
36. AMOROUS कामुक , प्रणवसंबधी
37. ANGUISHमानसिकवेदना
38. ANNOYANCE खीझ , झुझँलाहट
39. ANIMATIONउत्साह
41. ANTHROPHOBIAमानवसमाजसेभय फ़
42. ANTICS PLAYSअदभुदहरकतेकरनायाखेलना

Mental Rubrics in kent Repertory

  • 1. Mind Rubrics in Kent RepertorywithHindi ExplanationTranslated by Dr ManojJha& Dr PrabhatTandonComplied by Dr PrabhatTandon
  • 2. Sourceof MENTAL rubrics fromKent RepertoryRadar synthesis 9Murphy Repertory
  • 3. ABRUPT, rough अचानक, रूखा - यह आदमी अचानक ही कुछ बोल पड़ता है ।
  • 4. ABSENT MINDEDजिसका मन ध्यान वहाँ नहीं है जहाँ होना चाहिए । शरीर उपस्थित पर मन अनुपस्थित ।
  • 5. ABSORBEDअपने विचारों में डूबा हुआ / खोया हुआ ।
  • 6. ABSORBED, alternating with frivolity कभी गंभीरता से विचार मग्न और कभी फूहड़ ।
  • 7. ABSORBED , as to what would become of him गहरी सोच में डूबा हुआ है मानो सोच रहा हो कि उसका क्या होने वाला है । अपने भविष्य के प्रति शंकित रहता है ।
  • 8. ABSTRACTION of mindकिसी विषय पर गहराई से सोचते समय मन किसी दूसरे विषय पर सोचने लगता है ।
  • 9. ABUSIVEगाली देना , अनुचित व्यवहार करने वाला ।
  • 10. ACTIVITY desires, fruitlessबिना किसी उद्देश्य के कुछ करते रहना ।
  • 11. ADMONITION aggडाँटने / समझाने का उल्टा प्रभाव पड़ना , उपदेश से /सलाह से बिगड़ना ।
  • 12. AFFECTATIONप्रभाव बनाने के लिए बढा चढा कर पेश करना । अपनी योग्यता पदवी , सामाजिक / राजनीतिक /आर्थिक स्थिति का झूठा दिखावा करना ।
  • 13. AFFECTIONATEबहुत प्यारा , स्नेह से भरपूर । ऐसा व्यक्ति जो अपने व्यवहार और स्नेह से हर किसी का चहेता बन जाता है और दूसरे बरबस ही उसकी तरफ आकर्षित हो जाते हैं ।
  • 14. AMUSEMENT ,averse toमन लुभाने वाले खेल या काम में रूचि नहीं । मनोरंजन का साधन अच्छा नहीं लगता ।
  • 15. AMUSEMENT, desire forकिसी भी तरह के मनोरंजन की इच्छा रखना ।
  • 16. ANGER, absent persons while thinking of them, atअनुपस्थित व्यक्ति पर गुस्सा ।
  • 17. ANGER , interruption fromरूकावट से,कार्य बाधित होने से गुस्सा ।
  • 18. ANGER, touched whenमानसिक /शारीरिक स्पर्श से , छूने से गुस्सा । किसी के व्यवहार से मन को ठेंस पहुँचना ।
  • 19. ANGER object are not in their proper placeचीजें जहाँ उनका स्थान है वहाँ नहीं रहने पर गुस्सा होना ।
  • 20. ANGER refused ; when things he wants areजिन चीजों की उसे जरूरत है उसे मना करने पर गुस्सा होना ।
  • 21. ANGER spoken to whenबात करते समय गुस्सा हो जाना ।
  • 22. ANSWERING,monosyllables,inएक दो शब्दों में उत्तर देना ।
  • 23. ANSWERING , repeats the question firstजवाब देने से पहले वह प्रश्न को स्वयं दोहराता है ।
  • 24. ANXIETYकिसी अनिश्चित भय से चिंता , व्याकुलता , क्या होगा ? कैसे होगा ?
  • 25. ANXIETY alternating with indifferenceकभी बहुत चिंता और कभी कोई मतलव ही नहीं ।
  • 26. ANXIETY business aboutअपने काम काज की चिंता ।
  • 27. ANXIETY children about hisअपने बच्चों की चिंता ।
  • 28. ANXIETY expected of him , when anything is जब किसी चीज के लिए उससे लोगों ने उम्मीदें लगा रखी हैं तो पता नहीं वह पूरा कर पाएगा या नहीं , इसलिए वह चिंतित रहता है।
  • 29. ANXIETY others forदूसरों की चिंता करना ।
  • 30. ANXIETY , pains ,from theदर्द के कारण चिंतित होना ।
  • 31. AVARICEअपनी वस्तु दूसरों को नहीं दे पाना परंतु दूसरों से पाने की आशा करना ।
  • 32. ASKING for nothingकुछ नहीं माँगता है ।
  • 33. AGORAPHOBIAभीडसेडर
  • 34. AIR CASTLESहवाईकिलेबनाना
  • 35. AMBITION LOSS OF महत्वकाक्षांकीकमी
  • 36. AMOROUS कामुक , प्रणवसंबधी
  • 37. ANGUISHमानसिकवेदना
  • 38. ANNOYANCE खीझ , झुझँलाहट
  • 39. ANIMATIONउत्साह
  • 40. ANTAGONISM WITH HERSELFस्वयँकीविरोधी
  • 41. ANTHROPHOBIAमानवसमाजसेभय फ़
  • 42. ANTICS PLAYSअदभुदहरकतेकरनायाखेलना

Thursday, 13 September 2012


General Description:
Fibroadenomas are the most common benign tumors of the female breast. They develop at any age but are more common in young women, often teenagers, and are mistaken for cancer.
It is a benign breast growth (Pseudopsora/ Sycosis) that most commonly presents in teenage girls and women under the age of thirty. The presence of a fibroadenoma mass in a breast often causes women anxiety (Psora/ Pseudopsora) and concern, partly because people associate any type of breast lump with cancer. Fibroadenoma carries a very slight menace for future breast cancer, but the majority of fibroadenoma are benign breast growths. They may be excised but frequent recurrence is common.
Breast StructureThe fibroadenoma is the most common circumscribed benign solid tumor (Pseudopsora/ Sycosis) of the breast. As its name implies, it is composed of fibrous and adenomatous elements. A rarer variation is the fibroadenolipoma, which is an encapsulated lesion (Pseudopsora) that may represent a hamartoma (Pseudopsora/ Sycosis) and contains, as the name implies, fat, fibrous, and adenomatous tissue elements. The fibroadenoma is hormonally sensitive (Psora) and is more common in the young female. Beginning in the teenage years fibroadenomas are the most commonly biopsied solid lesion (Sycosis) of the breast, and this remains true through the mid 30s. As solid lesions they cannot be distinguished from well-circumscribed malignancy by either physical examination or imaging methods. Fibroadenomas are found frequently in postmenopausal women as well, but because of their hormone sensitivity they usually involute and become hyalinized. In some women this results in calcification (Psora), and these calcifications are among the most distinctive mammographically. Fibroadenomas do not become malignant, but frequently can grow to enormous size (giant fibroadenoma), and a potentially malignant cystosarcoma phylloides (Cancerous) cannot be distinguished from a fibroadenoma except that it usually grows very rapidly.
Nearly 90% of breast masses in women are the result of benign lesions and are usually fibroadenoma in women in their 20s or 30s.
Symptoms of Fibroadenoma
A fibroadenoma tends to be sphere shaped, with a smoother surface (Sycosis) than most malignant breast cancers (Cancerous). While malignant tumors tend to be immobile (Sycosis), fibroadenoma growths move (Pseudopsora) easily within the breast.
Fibroadenoma growths are usually painless (Sycosis), but size and location of the growth can cause breast tenderness or pain (Psora/ Pseudopsora). A fibroadenoma feels slightly malleable or rubbery to the touch (Pseudopsora) when examined. While younger women tend to have clearly defined fibroadenoma growths, older women may present with breast calcification (Psora) rather than masses.
These are usually isolated breast masses. In ten to fifteen percent of cases multiple fibroadenomas may occur, and may be present in both breasts.
Clinical Signs
  • Palpable mass for young women, feels like small, slipper marbles. (Psora/ Pseudopsora)
  • Mammographic density for older women.
  • Mass is more circumscribed and mobile than carcinoma. (Psora/ Pseudopsora)
Causes of Fibroadenoma
Estrogen sensitivity (Psora) is thought to play a role in fibroadenoma growth. Some tumors may increase in size towards the end of the menstruation or during pregnancy (Sycosis).
After menopause, many fibroadenomas spontaneously shrink due to lower estrogen levels (Psora/ Syphilis). Hormone therapy for postmenopausal women may prevent fibroadenomas from shrinking.
Types of Fibroadenoma
All fibroadenoma are composed of glandular cells and fibroconnective, or stromal, cells. The majority of fibroadenoma do not grow larger than one to three centimeters, but some may grow to over five centimeters, in length.
These unusually divided into two subcategories:
  • Giant Fibroadenoma- large growths.
  • Juvenile fibroadenomas- in teenagers are often referred to as juvenile fibroadenomas.
Pathophysiology -
Exact cause is unknown. It may possibly due to increased fat consumption (Psora).
  • Composed of both fibrous and glandular tissue (Pseudopsora/ Sycosis).
  • More frequent occurrence in upper outer quadrant of breast.
  • Can grow as a spherical nodule to a size from <1cm to 10-15cms. (Pseudopsora)
  • Fibroadenomas are hormonally responsive - increases in size may occur during late phases of the menstrual cycle (Psora)
Histopathology -
  • Well presence of both basement membrane and myoepithelial cells.
  • Composed of 2 parts:
    • Delicate cellular fibroblastic stroma resembling stroma of intralobular tissue
    • Glandular/cystic spaces lined by epithelium and enclosed by stromal component.
Diagnosis of Fibroadenoma
  • Physical examination.
  • Mammogram.
  • Breast ultrasound.
  • Biopsy.
  • Fine needle aspiration cytology.
Diagnosis of Fibroabenoma
While biopsy is the only sure way to confirm fibroadenoma, young women in their teens to mid twenties may not require a biopsy if the lump meets all the requirements for a characteristic fibroadenoma mass.
Surgical Treatment of Fibroadenoma
As benign growths, fibroadenomas are not always removed from the breast. Instead, the mass is left and carefully monitored for changes in shape and size. Whether fibroadenomas are removed depends on a number of physical and psychological factors. Viz.
  • Tumor size- If tumor size or location causes pain or discomfort, then the fibroadenoma may be removed.
  • Patient concerns and anxieties- If a woman is uneasy with the idea of a breast mass remaining untreated, the fibroadenoma may be removed to alleviate her anxiety.
A fibroadenoma may be removed under local anesthetic, either through surgery or through the use of a fine needle. If a biopsy is required to rule out malignancy, the entire fibroadenoma may be removed.
Complications of FibroadenomaComplications of Fibroadenoma
  • Women with fibroadenoma have a slightly higher risk of breast but not by a significant amount.
  • Very rarely, cancerous cells are found in fibroadenoma biopsy samples, but almost all fibroadenoma are benign.
  • Complications from fibroadenomas are not uncommon. Biopsies and fibroadenoma removal, like all surgical procedures, carry the risk of bleeding, scarring, and post-operative infection.
  • After a fibroadenoma is removed, its recurrence is quite common.
  • Homoeopathic Treatment of Fibroadenoma
  • Calcarea carbonica
Breasts are hot and swollen. Chronic cystic mastitis. Blunt duct adenosis; best remedy for fibroadenoma. Lump in breast is hard, nodular and tender to touch in the beginning. Then the pains are reduced and the lump turns to be hard due to calcification. Calcarea acts best when the tumours are calcified. These breasts are swollen and tender before menses. Deficient lactation. The breasts are distended in lymphatic women. Patient complains of profuse sweating around the genitalia with dirty smell . Inflammatory condition of the breast. With breast condition patient has the mental symptoms due to sufferings. Patient is anxious, tired and weak, both mentally and physically.
Fibroadenoma Homeopathic Treatment
Calcarea fluorica
This remedy is indicated in the fibroadenoma of the breast. Lump in the breast which is hard, movable with clear margins which are sharp in nature, or their edges are sharply defined. Most commonly they are solitary, very rarely multiple. Occurs in young patients usually unmarried. Nodules are in upper right quadrants. The patient is sad and depressed due to financial condition. Confused due to melancholic condition of mind. Patient is chilly, and she is very sensitive to cold air, cold wind and cold atmosphere in general. Genitals are sore. Urine is copious and offensive. Pain at the tip of the urethra while urinating and after the act. Pain in back extending to sacrum.
Conium maculatum
Mammary glands are hard and sore. A typical carcinoma of the breast, that is, scirrhous adenocarcinoma, which begins in the ducts and ends in the parenchyma. As the stage advances the Cooper's ligament shortens and thus it produces the notch. Sometimes the condition is associated with the inflammation of the breast tissue. The region is hard and nodular, tender to touch. Burning and stinging pains in the breast. The skin over the tumour is adherent. Occasionally there is discharge of pus from the nipple. The lesion is hard, almost cartilaginous. The edges are distinct, serrated and irregular; associated with productive fibrosis.
Baryta carbonica
Inflammation, induration and enlargement are the fundamental pathogeneses of this drug. The mammary gland is enlarged and there is a lump, which is hard. There is very sensitive to touch. The glands which are enlarged are tender with infiltration. The women of late twenties are affected. These patients present with hard but not serrated mass with firm rubbery consistency. Their edges are sharply defined. Most commonly the tumours solitary. or occasionally are multiple. They are differentiated from cancer by smooth rather than irregular lobulations. A bloody discharge from nipple is indication of this drug. All the glands of the body are very sensitive to cold and they are worse by taking cold. The skin over the gland becomes ulcerated. It is seen that this remedy works better in Paget's disease of nipple which is supposed to be primary carcinoma of the mammary gland.
Hydrastis Canadensis
These patients have the tendency to indurated glands. Swelling of the mammary glands. Fat necrosis and glandular cell myoblastoma are common in this remedy. Fat necrosis tumour is probably post-traumatic. Patient complains of pain and tenderness. The lesion is fixed to the breast tissue, which sometimes causes dimpling of the overlying skin. Engorged nipples, cracks and discharges of watery fluid or there is serosanguinous discharge. The patient is weak and emaciated, fainting due to improper assimilation or defective assimilation. All-gone sensation or empty feeling in the stomach, not relieved by eating. Chronic catarrhal condition of the membrane of the stomach. Patient is thirstless. Obstinate constipation, colicky and crampy pain in the abdomen. Liver is enlarged and tender.
IodiumThis remedy predominantly acts on the enlargement of the mammary glands which may be either neo-plastic or malignant. The mucous membranes of the glands and the breast tissue are inflamed. The breast tissues are hypertrophied, enlarged, hard and nodular. Emaciation of the patient due to malabsorption. The tumours are well differentiated. They have a discrete capsule. Small lesions present leaf-like intracanalicular protrusions and large lesions have cystic space. Inflammation of the lesions, ulceration occasionally, excoriating and acrid discharge from the nipple or from the lesion. Oedematous swelling of the affected breast.
Lapis albusThe main action of this remedy is on the the glands of mammary region. These glands have the tendency to turn malignant. Remarkable results are observed in scrofulous condition of the glands. Fibroid tumours, intense burning pains in the parts. The tumours have pliability and a kind of softness rather than hardness. The margins are clear. The glands are elasticity, exactly the reverse of Calc. fluorica.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Hepatitis -B

What is Hepatitis B

  • Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic disease.
  • The virus is transmitted through contact with the blood or other body fluids of an infected person - not through casual contact.
  • About 2 billion people worldwide have been infected with the virus and about 350 million live with chronic infection. An estimated 600 000 persons die each year due to the acute or chronic consequences of hepatitis B.
  • About 25% of adults who become chronically infected during childhood later die from liver cancer or cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) caused by the chronic infection.
  • The hepatitis B virus is 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV.
  • Hepatitis B virus is an important occupational hazard for health workers.
  • Hepatitis B is preventable with a safe and effective vaccine.
Hepatitis B is a potentially life-threatening liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. It is a major global health problem and the most serious type of viral hepatitis. It can cause chronic liver disease and puts people at high risk of death from cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer.
Worldwide, an estimated two billion people have been infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV), and more than 350 million have chronic (long-term) liver infections.
A vaccine against hepatitis B has been available since 1982. Hepatitis B vaccine is 95% effective in preventing HBV infection and its chronic consequences, and is the first vaccine against a major human cancer.


Hepatitis B virus can cause an acute illness with symptoms that last several weeks, including yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), dark urine, extreme fatigue, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.
People can take several months to a year to recover from the symptoms. HBV can also cause a chronic liver infection that can later develop into cirrhosis of the liver or liver cancer.


Hepatitis B virus is transmitted between people by contact with the blood or other body fluids (i.e. semen and vaginal fluid) of an infected person. Modes of transmission are the same for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), but HBV is 50 to 100 times more infectious Unlike HIV, HBV can survive outside the body for at least 7 days. During that time, the virus can still cause infection if it enters the body of a person who is not infected.
Common modes of transmission in developing countries are:
  • Perinatal (from mother to baby at birth)
  • early childhood infections (in apparent infection through close interpersonal contact with infected household contacts)
  • unsafe injections practices
  • blood transfusions
  • sexual contact
HBV is not spread by contaminated food or water, and cannot be spread casually in the workplace. The virus incubation period is 90 days on average, but can vary from about 30 to 180 days. HBV may be detected 30 to 60 days after infection and persist for widely variable periods of time.


There is no specific treatment for acute hepatitis B. Care is aimed at maintaining comfort and adequate nutritional balance, including replacement of fluids that are lost from vomiting and diarrhea.


All infants should receive the hepatitis B vaccine: this is the mainstay of hepatitis B prevention.
The vaccine can be given as either three or four separate doses, as part of existing routine immunization schedules. In areas where mother-to-infant spread of HBV is common, the first dose of vaccine should be given as soon as possible after birth (i.e. within 24 hours).
All children and adolescents younger than 18 years old and not previously vaccinated should receive the vaccine. People in high risk groups should also be vaccinated, including:
  • persons with high-risk sexual behavior
  • partners and household contacts of HBV infected persons
  • injecting drug users
  • persons who frequently require blood or blood products
  • recipients of solid organ transplantation
  • those at occupational risk of HBV infection, including health care workers and
  • International travelers to countries with high rates of HBV.
  •  Homeopathic Treatment
With AUROH homeopathic medicines, the cases of hepatitis B can be controlled very well, these medicines work to the immunological level. Complications of hepatitis B are
  • Chronic hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Liver failure
  • Hepatic cellular carcinoma
 homeopathic treatment can help in delaying the complications and the disease process is kept under check with symptomatic relief. The general health is improved very well on these homeopathic medicines without any side-effects. Taking homeopathic medicines for longer duration helps improve immunological levels and the disease can be kept under control.
homeopathy: is strongly recommended in cases of hepatitis. These medicines have proved the efficacy in treating a wide range of viral infections.